Media Coverage Related
China's Organ Harvest of Falun Gong Practitioners and the Investigation Report
in Languages Other Than English)
- Foreign Interference Fails to Stop Holiday Show's Success
, 2007-12-27, Epoch Times
- Patients fly out to buy organs
, 2007-12-26, The Age
- Don't Bow to Chinese Pressure Over Holiday Show, Canadian Politician Urges
, 2007-12-21, Epoch Times
- Why Canada Should Boycott the Beijing Olympics
, 2007-12-18, Canada Free Press
- Communist medical group implicated in organ harvest
, 2007-12-16, Ottawa Citizen
- Queen's Conference Put the Spotlight on Health and Human Rights
, 2007-12, QUFA Voices
- EU parliament urges IOC to press China on rights
, 2007-12-13, Reuters
- Olympic Shames
, 2007-12-12, Long Island Press
- The Ongoing Catastrophe of Organ Pillaging in China
, 2007-12-10, The Epoch Times
- It's all about the money again
, 2007-12-06, Orangeville Citizen
- Falun Gong abuses are more widespread
, 2007-12-03, The Ottawa Citizen
- What we know about organ harvesting in China
, 2007-11-28, The Ottawa Citizen
- China fails to disprove Falun Gong killed for organ harvesting, 2007-11-27, The Ottawa Citizen
- Correlation noted, 2007-11-27, The Ottawa Citizen
Spanish justice orders investigation of crimes against Falun Gong in China, 2007-11-26, La Gran Epoca
- Covering up slaughter, with a little help from the CBC, 2007-11-23, National Post
softpedals China's 'cult of evil', 2007-11-22, TORONTO SUN
- The Falun Gong, CBC-PRC Saga, 2007-11-21, MWC NEWS
- Producer won't
make more cuts to Falun Gong doc, 2007-11-20, National Post
- CBC Reporters in
China Pestered Over Falun Gong Doc, Says Filmmaker, 2007-11-20, Epoch Times
still tinkering with Falun Gong documentary, 2007-11-20, The Star
- Postponed after
Chinese embassy complaints, Beyond the Red Wall returns to CBC schedule
, 2007-11-20, Toronto Sun
- An Olympic mistake, 2007-11-14, The Daily Texan
- owing to Beijing
, 2007-11-12, National Post
- CBC to Air Edited Falun Gong Documentary Nov. 20, 2007-11-11, Epoch Times
- Hard power, soft targets, 2007-11-11, The Age
- American vampire, 2007-11-11, San Francisco Chronicle
- When Beijing calls, the CBC jumps - 4 Letters published By Edmonton Journal, 2007-11-10, Edmonton Journal
- CAJ concerned over report's withdrawal, 2007-11-09, News Wire
- Chinese Calls Prompts CBC to Pull Show, 2007-11-09, The New York Times
- China rumbles, CBC quakes, doc done in, 2007-11-08, Toronto Sun
- CBC yanks doc after pressure from Chinese embassy, 2007-11-07, National Post
- Legal Judgement Against Chinese Minister of Commerce, 2007-11-07, Epoch Times
- Chinese fear oddest things, 2007-11-04, Edmonton Sun
- OttawaWatch: The Dalai Lama and the moderator , 2007-11-01, CanadianChristianity.com
- Falun Gong is So out at city hall, 2007-10-31, The Age, AU
- Taiwan doctors held responsible for brokering
organs: DOH, 2007-10-30, China Post
- Taiwanese Unwittingly Become Accomplices in the Illegal Organ Harvesting in
China, 2007-10-30, The Liberty Times, Taiwan
- Communist Official Advocates Cessation of Falun Gong Persecution, 2007-10-30, Epoch Times
- UN Torture Investigator Slams Western Complacency, 2007-10-29, Spiegel Online, Germany
- Doctors acting as organ transplant brokers subject to penalties: DOH, 2007-10-29, Taiwan Headlines
- Illegal organ transplants to be punished: The
Mainland Affairs Council, 2007-10-26, The China Post
- Open Letter Responding to Chinese Medical Association Agreement on Organ Harvesting, 2007-10-25, The Epoch Times
- Chinese Lawyers' Motion Defends Falun Gong in Court for First Time, 2007-10-25, Epoch Times
- Support Gao Zhisheng's Call to Boycott the 'Bloody Harvest Olympics', 2007-10-24, Epoch Times
- The Beijing Games, Human Rights Torch Relay, and Democracy, 2007-10-23, Epoch Times
- China charges Japanese with illegal organ trading, 2007-10-16, AFP
- Olympic jitters behind China's organ pledge, 2007-10-10, The Sydney Morning Herald
- Chinese Regime Fundamentally Opposed to Rule of Law, Says Canadian Lawyer, 2007-10-09, The Epoch Times
- The dark underbelly of China, 2007-10-09, Telegraph Blogs
- Falun Gong -- a better lifestyle, 2007
-10-08, The Sofia Echo, Bulgaria
- China: Doctors Agree Not to Take Organs From Prisoners , 2007-10-06, New York Times
- A Courageous Advocate Challenges Repression, 2007
-10-05, The Epoch Times
- IMPROVING HUMAN RIGHTS IN A NEO-COMMUNIST STATE, 2007-09, China Rights Forum, No. 3, 2007
- Fight for Falun Gong a Legacy to Holocaust, Says Matas,
2007-09-30, Epoch Times Australia
- Canadians Support the Saffron Revolution in Myanmar,
2007-09-30, Epoch Times Ottawa
- Myanmar: Nobel Peace Prize laureate Tutu urges China to intervene, 2007
-09-28, Earthtimes.org
- Outspoken Chinese Lawyer Arrested, 2007-09-25, The Associated Press
- Chinese Police Seize Rights Attorney For Letter, 2007-09-25, Scoop (NZ)
Falun Gong practitioners march to raise awareness, 2007-09-24, The Minnesota
- Chinese dissident urges boycott of Olympics, 2007-09-21, Washington Times
- New Zealand: Latest Evidence Supporting Allegations of Organ Harvesting in China Discussed at Press Conference in Wellington, 2007-09-14, clearwisdom.net
- New Zealand MPs Discuss China's Bloody Organ Harvest
, 2007-09-13, Epoch Times
- The Transplantation Society's Policy on Interactions With China, The Transplantation Society
- Campaigners Want Human Rights on the APEC Agenda,
2007-09-08, Epoch Times
- Transplants dip as China takes criticism to heart,
2007-09-07, Sydney Morning Herald
- Free at last ...,
2007-09-07, Sydney Morning Herald
- Flak for Hu on organ harvesting,
2007-09-06, Sydney Morning Herald
- APEC Leaders Asked to Speak Up for China's Human Rights
2007-09-06, Epoch Times
- The protesters the police won't touch,
2007-09-06, Sydney Morning Herald
- Organ Theft Deemed 'Most Serious' Human Rights Issue,
2007-09-05, Epoch Times
- Bo Xilai Sued at APEC,
2007-09-04, Epoch Times
- Darfur: The Montreal Conference, 2007-08-22, The Suburban
- Human Rights Torch Relay Reaches Berlin, 2007-08-21, Epoch Times
- Shadow boxing with an Olympic giant, 2007-08-19, Khaleej Times
- The China syndrome, 2007-08-17, The Ottawa Citizen
- Serbian Magazine Reports Organ Harvesting from Falun Gong Practitioners in China, 2007-08-16, clearharmony.net
- No inconsistency, 2007-08-16, The Ottawa Citizen
- Edward McMillan-Scott: We should shun these Olympics in a land of genocide, 2007-08-13, Yorkshire Post, England
- China can do no wrong, 2007-08-13, Canoe
- Boycott aimed at government, not the Chinese, 2007-08-11, The Ottawa Citizen
- Former MP wants to ignite Olympic games boycott, 2007-08-10, National Post
- Human rights group lights torch for Beijing games boycott, 2007-08-09, Reuters
- Ahead of Olympics, activists launch 'human rights torch relay' against China abuses, 2007-08-09, The International Herald Tribune
- RENAMING THE GAMES, 2007-08-09, maisonneuve.org
- David Matas Reflects on Organ Harvesting, 2007-08-06, Epoch Times
- Israel Arrests Men Who Mediated China Organ Transplants, 2007-08-05, Epoch Times
- Falun Gong is a constant reminder of Chinese oppression, 2007-07-31, New Statesman
- Investigators Release Report on CCP Organ Harvesting, 2007-07-31, The Epoch Times
- Mainland Media Unveils New Evidence of Organ Harvesting in China, 2007-07-26, The Epoch Times
- Documentary Wins Festival's Justice Prize, 2007-07-25, Epoch Times
- Frightening scenes, 2007-07-20, The Washington Times
Answering China, 2007-07-20, Global Politician, NY
Grooming future parliamentarians of Tibet, 2007-07-20, Phayul.com
Chinese Regime Looks to Student-Spies to Push Agenda in Canada,
2007-07-19, Epoch Times
An Open Letter to the President of The United States, 2007-07-19, The Epoch Times
China's deadly scheme to
harvest organs, 2007-07-18, Globe and Mail
Falun Gong members protest on Hill, 2007-07-14, Vancouver Sun
Totalitarianism In Romania's Past And China's
Address (revised) by Hon. David Kilgour
at the International Symposium on Forms of Repression in Communist Regimes,
Brancoveanu Monastery,
near Fagaras, Romania. The Epoch Times, 2007-07-24
China limits organ
transplants for foreigners, 2007-07-03, Globe and Mail
Organ-harvesting claims spark Indiana movement/Group
seeks to educate on spiritual practice, Chinese crimes against humanity,
2007-06-26, Pal-Item.com
Daughter fears ties to Falun Gong
pose risk, 2007-06-21, Times Union
World mustn't remain silent about evil abuse, 2007-06-13, HeraldNet, WA
Legislators hope to raise awareness of Falun Gong plight, 2007-06-11, Legislative Gazette
Evidence proves case against China, 2007-06-06,
The Ottawa Citizen
Author exposes organ harvesting, 2007-06-06,
Times Union
Chinese TV airs Elyashiv's opposition to organ harvesting, 2007-06-03,
THE Jerusalem Post
Seeing no evil is an immoral policy, 2007-06-01, The Ottawa Citizen
Canadian human rights activist David Kilgour, 2007-06-01, Radio Prague,
Czech Republic
Boycott Beijing Games: Falun Gong, 2007-05-31, The Ottawa Citizen
Beijing Olympics boycott urged, 2007-05-31, The Edmonton Journal
Keep Bo Xilai out, 2007-05-26, National Post
Calling China to account, 2007-05-19, The Ottawa Citizen
There's a Holocaust Happening in China, Doctors Warn, 2007-05-19, Epoch Times
The Motts Interview with David Kilgour on Organ Harvesting from
Falun Gong Prisoners in China, 2007-05-18, CFRB News
Chinese prisoners' organs used in transplants, 2007-05-18,
National Post
China kills to harvest organs: MDs, 2007-05-18, The Ottawa Citizen
Chinese taking organs from live donors: doctors, 2007-05-18, The
Edmonton Journal
Doctors slam China's 'live' organ program, 2007-05-18, The
Vancouver Province
Organ tourists warned off China, 2007-05-18, The Gazette
Live donors used to stock Chinese organ trade: report, 2007-05-18,
The StarPhoenix (Saskatoon)
Organs harvested from live prisoners, 2007-05-18, The Leader-Post
Indianapolis group spreads message on Falun Gong, 2007-05-15,
Reporter-Times, IN
China outlaws trade in organs, 2007-05-03, The Australian
Why we shouldn’t rely on China’s paper laws, 2007-05-02, MWC News
Organ harvesting is happening, 2007-04-26, Ottawa Citizen
Organ harvesting: an unbelievable reality, 2007-04-20, Columbia
Daily Spectator via U-WIRE
Raising Awareness of Organ Harvesting, 2007-04-17, WCPN News
(Radio Broadcast Station in Ohio, USA)
U.Pittsburgh panelists denounce organ harvesting in China,
2007-04-17, The Pitt News via U-Wire
New Heights for Human Rights, 2007-04-16, The Ottawa Citizen
Expatriates rallying against China killing protesters for organs,
2007-04-08, Decatur Daily, AL
Vatican Radio Reports Organ Harvesting from Living Falun Gong
Practitioners, 2007-04-07, clearwisdom.net
Israeli Doctor Witnesses Skin Transplant Operation in China,
2007-04-05, New Tang Dynasty Television
Sowing Confusion; Embarrassed by reports of live organ harvesting, China's
sympathizers launch a high-tech disinformation campaign, 2007-04,
Western Standard, Alberta
Despite His New Advocacy Files, He's Still Kilgour of Darfur,
2007-03-28, Embassy, Canada
Action on organ harvesting, 2007-03-27, Medicine Weekly, Ireland
Pressure on UK government to act over ‘Chinese organ harvesting’,
2007-03-25, Sunday Herald, Scotland, UK
China 'harvests organs' report claims, Issue 1, 2007, Index on
China, the Falun Gong, and organs for sale, 2007-03-16, OnMedica
- Blogs
Letter to Editor, 2007-03, Letter to Innisfil Enterprise
Ethical Issues Seen Over Organ Transplants In China, 2007-03-14, newswire.co.nz, New Zealand
Interview with outgoing UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Manfred
Novak on Falun Gong in China , 2007-03-12, misik.at
Singaporeans Should Think Before Going to China for Organ Transplants,
2007-03-10, Epoch Times
Trade in human organs, 2007-03, Ethical Corporation Magazine -
London, UK
The Falun Gong, organ transplantation, the holocaust and ourselves,
2007-03, Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine
Organ broker faces ethics criticism, 2007-03-07, Calgary Herald
U.S. recipient harbours fears over origins of donated organ,
2007-03-07, Calgary Herald
China accused of organ harvesting, 2007-02-27, The Irish Times
Lawyer to outline Chinese 'organ scandal', 2007-02-27, Ireland
'We want to drive you insane', 2007-02-26, Edmonton Sun
Group Claims China Harvesting Members' Organs, 2007-02-26, CBS 11
Courage -- and a passion for what's right, 2007-02-25, Toronto
Prisoners executed for organs claim, 2007-02-23, Irish Medical
Amnesty, Student Groups Host Organ Harvesting Forum at Colorado
Universities, 2007-02-21, Epoch Times
Doctors Speak Up Against China's Organ Harvesting, 2007-02-12,
The Epoch Times
New European Organisation Sets Sights on China Investigation,
2007-02-11, The Epoch Times
Organ Harvesting Cannot Be Tolerated, Says French Justice Minister,
2007-02-10, The Epoch Times
Panelists decry China's organ harvesting, 2007-02-06, The Clarion
Exposed! China's organ-on-demand transplants, 2007-02-06, World
Net Daily
Study: China's Army Harvesting Body Parts From Live Prisoners,
Particularly Falun Gong Members, 2007-02-01, Fox News
Activists raise concerns over transplants in China, 2007-02-01,
The Globe and Mail
Canadians heading to China for organ transplants, 2007-02-01,
Vancouver Sun
Murders in China to harvest human organs, 2007-02-01, Spero News
Advocates warn of illegal transplants, 2007-02-01, CP
Chinese said harvesting prisoners' organs, 2007-02-01, The London
Free Press
Chinese army 'harvesting body parts', 2007-02-01, news.com.au
Chinese government accused of performing illegal transplants,
2007-02-01, The Gateway
Chinese Officials Still Killing Falun Gong for Organs, Report Says,
2007-02-01, Epoch Times
China military harvesting organs: report, 2007-02-01, Radio
Chinese army harvesting parts from Falungong inmates, 2007-01-31, AFP
Canada rights team decries China "organ tourism", 2007-01-31,
Canadians should be told Chinese organ transplants unethical, advocates
say, 2007-01-31, Canadian Press
NHS patients buy organs from Third World, 2007-01-28, The Sunday
Times - Britain
Albertans participate in illicit organ harvesting: Kilgour,
2007-01-25, Edmonton Sun
Chinese Regime Admits To Organ Harvesting From Prisoners,
2007-01-23, MediaRights
The Moral Matrix, 2007-01-21, Arutz Sheva, Israel
Let Falun Gong pursue justice, 2007-01-18, Billings Outpost
Nazis pale in comparison, 2007-01-18, Billings Outpost
Falun Gong practitioners protest organ harvesting, 2007-01-12,
Naples Daily News
Over 200 Falun Gong Practitioners Die From Persecution in 2006,
2007-01-09, The Epoch Times, Malaysia
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