04/08/07, Decatur Daily, AL

Expatriates rallying against China killing protesters for organs

By Paul Huggins
phuggins@decaturdaily.com · 340-2395

Though nearly 7,000 miles from Beijing, the steps of Decatur City Hall served as a rallying point for Chinese expatriates hoping to spread awareness of human organ harvesting.

At Sunday afternoon’s rally, about 10 people handed
out fliers and held giant banners.

Similar rallies are occurring around the world, including ones in Huntsville, Birmingham and Tuscaloosa this past weekend.

“Everybody of conscience should know,” said Wade Yang, an associate professor of food and animal science at Alabama A&M University and a former resident of China.

Reports of genocide

The Chinese Communist Party is committing genocide on prisoners of conscience, namely the followers of the spiritual movement Falun Gong, he said, by taking their kidneys, livers and lungs and selling them to patients willing to pay $62,000 to $160,000.

The victims are then cremated, he said.

Yang said CCP banned Falun Gong in 1999, and has since arrested more than 100,000.

Thousands are believed to have been killed, he said.

The CCP denied organ harvesting occurred until two investigators, including a former Canadian secretary of state, documented it this year in a report called “Bloody Harvest.”

Yang said the CCP now admits it happens, but it claims it’s not organizing the transplants.

But he said the government must be behind it because the government controls everything.

Cruel practices have triggered nonviolent protests, Yang said, basically in the form of residents quitting the CCP.

It started with half a million in March 2005 and has grown to 20 million today, about a third of the party.

Yang hopes awareness will trigger international pressure, perhaps even a boycott of or sanctions on Beijing’s 2008 Summer Olympics.