Chinese Regime Admits To Organ Harvesting From Prisoners

MediaRights, January 23, 2007

CHINA—In the middle of January, 2007, the BBC Chinese website published an interview regarding organ harvesting in China. For the first time, China's Ministry of Health spokesman Mao Qunan admitted to the practice of organ harvesting from executed prisoners in China, which he had publicly denied before. However, Mao evaded key evidences of organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners and denied that accusation.

This interview was conducted by BBC senior reporter Hua Ying. An Epoch Times journalist also did an interview with Dr. Wang Wenyi, who protested at the White House during communist regime leader Hu Jintao's visit to the United States on April 20, 2006 regarding the BBC's interview

The Chinese regime has had a long history of harvesting organs from executed prisoners, and an equally long history of denying this practice. In November of 2005, the regime's Deputy Minister of Ministry of Public Health, Huang Jiefu, admitted to using organs taken from executed prisoners, at an international conference in Manila.

Read the rest of this article on The Epoch Times

Starts 0000-00-00
Ends 0000-00-00
Issues Human Rights, International, Politics/Government, Religious Freedom, Police Brutality, Prisoner Rights, Asia

Posted on January 23, 2007 in News Elsewhere by Germanico