No inconsistency

The Ottawa Citizen

Published: Thursday, August 16, 2007

Re: Former MP pushes for Beijing Games boycott, Aug. 9.

The Citizen reported that researchers for the U.S. Congress concluded that some of the key allegations in the report David Kilgour and I wrote on organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners in China "appear to be inconsistent with the findings of other investigations." Yet there are no such other investigations.

The Congressional Research Service of the Library of Congress, which the article quotes, footnotes its conclusion. But the footnote cites the U.S. Department of State Country report for China for 2005, written long before our report was published.

The only studies or investigations independent from our own that have looked at the matter -- those of Kirk Ellison of the University of Minnesota and Tom Treasure, a British transplant surgeon writing in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine -- have come to the same conclusion as we have; that this foul practice is happening.

David Matas,
