
Coverage Related to China's Organ Harvest of Falun Gong
Practitioners and the Investigation Report (Media
in Languages Other Than English) 中文报道
- Q&A: Author and analyst Ethan Gutmann discusses China’s illegal organ trade
New book The Slaughter gives a first-person perspective on the illegal
organ harvesting of Chinese dissidents including Falun Gong, Tibetans
and Uyghurs.
- China accused of harvesting the organs of political prisoners, researchers say it's time Canada take action 2014-10-22
- Jiang Zemin Ordered Organ Harvesting from Falun Gong Practitioners, New Evidence Says 2014-10-11
- Italian Society of Organ Transplantation Conference Attendees Condemn Organ Harvesting in China 2014-10-11
- Investigation Lead: Questionable Liver “Donors” at First Hospital of Jilin University 2014-10-09
- Investigation Leads: Waiting Time for Matched Organs Still Very Short in China 2014-09-28
- Hamburg, Germany: Multimedia Display Raises Awareness of Organ Harvesting in China 2014-09-22
“Organ Procurement from Prisoners in China Continues in 2014,” Conclude Researchers 2014-09-22
Blood Samples Forcibly Taken from Practitioners in Panjin City 2014-09-17
Istanbul, Turkey: CCP's Live Organ Harvesting Exposed at the 14th Congress of Middle East Society for Organ Transplantation 2014-09-16
- Journalists and Doctors Further Expose and Condemn Organ Harvesting in China, 2014-08-14
Ketam Island, Malaysia: “Now I Know Where Those Organs Came From--This Is Too Scary”, 2014-08-05
- Chinese Doctor Arrested for Organ Transplant Abuse, Growing
International Condemnation of China's Organ Harvesting Crimes (Photos), 2014-08-03
- Forced Organ Harvesting Still Happening in China, Say Experts and Witnesses, 2014-07-31
- “A Shame for Mankind”: World Transplant Congress Attendees Condemn Organ Harvesting in China, 2014-07-29
- A Look at Organ Harvesting in China as Condemnation Moves Through U.S. House, 2014-07-28
- New International Convention Adopted to Make Organ Trafficking a Criminal Offense, 2014-07-25
- National Broadcaster in Italy: Parliamentary Symposium on Transplant
Ethics Brainstorms Legislative Actions to Combat Organ Harvesting, 2014-07-23
Australian Parliament Holds Hearing on Organ Harvesting—100 Practitioners Invited, 2014-07-19
- London: Medical Professionals Express Concern over Organ Harvesting Crimes in China, 2014-06-15
- Awareness of Organ Harvesting from Living Practitioners Raised at International Conference, 2012-06-12
- Osaka Japan: Japanese Edition of Bloody Harvest Published, 2012-06-10
USA: 35 State Legislators Express Concern Over Organ Harvesting in China and Its Impact in Minnesota, 2012-06-08
University of Sydney: Exposing the Chinese Communist Party's Organ Harvesting Atrocities, 2012-06-08
2014 Joint Congress on Organ Transplants: Medical Professionals Condemn Organ Harvesting and Sign 2014 DAFOH UN Petition, 2012-06-07
Human Rights Lawyer: State-Sanctioned Organ Harvesting Is Still Going on in China, 2012-06-05
Medical Society of Virginia Passes a Resolution to Condemn Organ Harvesting and Support Pending US Congressional Resolution, 2012-06-01
- Parliamentarians
Against Forced Organ Harvesting Forms In Asia, 2014-05-01
- International
Transplant Community Raises Voice Against China’s Abuses,
- Students
Object to Award for Chinese Transplant Official, 2014-04-03
- Deputy
Speaker of Polish Parliament Supports Investigating Sources of
“Bodies Revealed” Exhibit, 2014-03-28
- Evidence
Pointing to Organ Harvesting: “DNA” Label on a Vial of
Blood, 2014-03-25
- Facts
about Organ Harvesting from Living Falun Gong Practitioners
Presented to National Council of Slovakia, 2014-03-24
- Italian
Senate Passes Resolution on Organ Harvesting in China,
- Murder
for Organs Broker China Considers Financial Incentives for
Donation, 2014-03-06
- State
of Illinois Condemns CCP Organ Harvesting, 2014-03-05
- Red
Reign: China's horrific nonconsensual organ harvesting and
religious oppression unveiled, 2014-03-03
- Israeli
Media Report on the Harvesting of Organs from Living Falun Gong
Practitioners in China, 2014-02-27
- Israeli
Parliament Supports Efforts to End Organ Harvesting of Falun
Gong Practitioners in China (Photo), 2014-02-25
- Frequent
Transplants of Organs from Unverified Sources Not Uncommon in
China, 2014-02-14
- Vice
President of EU Parliament Identifies the Persecution as
Genocide, Proposes Register of Perpetrators for Future
International Criminal Court, 2014-01-28
- Falun
Gong Practitioner from Hunan Province Forced to Submit Blood for
Unknown Test, 2014-01-15
- Jilin
Women's Prison Suspected of Organ Seizures, 2012-01-03
- China:
More than 6000 People Sign Petition Against Live Organ
Harvesting, 2014-01-03
- Italy:
Human Rights Attorney David Matas Calls for End to Forced Organ
Harvesting in China, 2014-01-01
Media Reports in 2013
Media Reports in 2012
Media Reports in 2011
Media Reports in 2010
Media Reports in 2009
Media Reports in 2008
Media Reports in 2007
Media Reports in 2006