Coverage Related to
China's Organ Harvest of Falun Gong Practitioners and the Investigation
(Media in
Languages Other Than English)
- The Xinjiang Procedure 2011-12, By Ethan Gutmann, THE WEEKLY STANDARD
- David Matas Exposes the CCP’s Live Organ Harvesting to Medical Professionals in Western Australia 2011-11-27, Clearwisdom.net
- Harvest of horror 2011-11-26, Winnipeg Free Press
- A Chinese Village Stands Up for Falun Gong 2011-11-24, Epoch Times
- S. Korean Police Probe Organ Transplant Tourism to China 2011-11-24, NTDTV
- Falun Gong files petition to have bylaw struck down 2011-11-04, Vancouver Sun
- Chinese Regime Uses Buddhist Temple to Brainwash Falun Gong 2011-11-03, NTDTV
- Tibetans, Deficits, and ‘Death by China’ 2011-11-03, Epoch Times
- Lucrative Organ Theft Widespread in China 2011-10-05, Epoch Times
- Protest Supports Two Viet Broadcasters Facing Trial 2011-10-05, Epoch Times
- United Nations General Assembly Convenes in New York, Falun Gong Practitioners Call for an End to the Persecution 2011-09-29, Clearwisdom.net
- Falun Gong Practitioners in South Korea in Legal Limbo 2011-09-28, NTDTV
- European Parliament Members Ask S. Korea to Stop Deporting Falun Gong 2011-09-17, Epoch Times
- The 610 Office: Policing the Chinese Spirit 2011-09-16, China Brief
- Hong Kong Authorities Ban Falun Gong Roadside Display 2011-09-12, Epoch Times
- The Experiences of a Young Practitioner Growing Up During the Persecution in China 2011-09-12, Clearwisdom.net
- Glasgow Twin City Allegedly Involved in Black Market Organ Trade 2011-09-09, Epoch Times
- Timothy Gebhart: Senators should push China to stop Falun Gong persecution
, 2011-08-25, madison.com
- China seeks to silence dissent overseas 2011-08-05, Washington Post
- Over 100 Falun Gong Practitioners in Tangshan Persecuted Since May 2011-08-03, Clearwisdom.net
- Momentum Building for Ending Persecution of Falun Gong 2011-07-19, Epoch Times
- Falun Gong Gains Support Over Twelve Years of Peaceful Efforts against the Persecution 2011-07-17, Clearwisdom.net
- Senators Condemn China’s Persecution of Falun Gong 2011-07-15, Epoch Times
- Falun Gong Practitioners, Supporters Rally at US Capitol 2011-07-14, Epoch Times
- Members of Congress Rally for Falun Gong Freedom 2011-07-14, Epoch Times
- After 12 Years, Repression of Falun Gong in China Still a Grave Concern 2011-07-13, Freedom House (USA)
- Local woman fears for cousin in China 2011-07-13, Your Ottawa Region
- Nine New Falun Gong Deaths Recorded in June 2011-07-10, faluninfo.net
- Keep the Pressure Up About Human Rights in China: Rights Lawyer 2011-07-05, Epoch Times
- The Vicious Wardens Who Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners at Beijing Women's Prison 2011-07-01, Clearwisdom.net
- “Bloody Harvest” Book Tour Exposes Forced Organ Harvesting in China 2011-07-01, NTDTV
- 'Bloody Harvest' Released in Taiwan 2011-06-29, Epoch Times
- Academics pan state of human rights in China 2011-06-27, Taipei Times
- Chinese Agents Send Fraudulent Emails to Officials & NGOs Bizarre & Irrational Messages Aimed to discredit Falun Gong 2011-06-24, Falun Dafa Association of Canada
- Need a Kidney? A Skull? Just Bring Cash 2011-06-16, New York Times
- Man Convicted of Spying on Falun Gong in Germany 2011-06-12, Epoch Times
- Dozens of Falun Gong Practitioners Killed in First Third of 2011 2011-05-30, The Falun Dafa Information Center
- An Apology Nine Years in the Making 2011-05-30, Epoch Times
- Stifling Dissent on a Liberal, Arctic Outcrop: A Review of ‘Arctic Host, Icy Visit’ by Herman Salton 2011-05-30, Epoch Times
- Chinese Consulate: No Passport Renewal If You Protest 2011-05-29, Epoch Times
- China's bloody organ harvest 2011-05-28, The Toronto Sun
- List of Practitioners Illegally Detained at the Hulan Prison of Heilongjiang Province 2011-05-25, Clearwisdom.net
- Cisco sued for helping China build Great Firewall 2011-05-23, Forbes
- Former Judge Tells About Being Persecuted in China 2011-05-23, Epoch Times
- Suit Claims Cisco Helped China Pursue Falun Gong 2011-05-22, NEW YORK TIMES
- Suit claims Cisco helped China repress religious group 2011-05-20, Thomson Reuters
- Memo to Hu Jintao: Donate Your Organs 2011-05-18, Epoch Times
- Engaging China Effectively on Organ Pillaging 2011-05-18, Epoch Times
- Overview of Death Cases of Falun Gong Practitioners Due to Persecution 2011-05-18, Clearwisdom.net
- Falun Gong Praised for Raising Awareness of Human Rights Abuses in China 2011-05-17, Epoch Times
- Another smear campaign against Falun Gong 2011-05-09, MWC News
- International Transplant Experts Call for Stopping China’s Forced Organ Harvesting 2011-05-08, Clearwisdom.net
- Rights tribunal rules Falun Gong a 'creed' 2011-05-05, Ottawa Citizen
- Tribunal awards Falun Gong practitioner $15,000 2011-05-05, Vancouver Sun
- Provocateur E-mails Frame Spiritual Group, Bewilder Recipients 2011-05-04, Epoch Times
- Transplant Community Responds to Chinese Regime’s Organ Harvesting 2011-05-03, Epoch Times
- China’s New Organ Donation Registry Unlikely to Take Off 2011-05-01, Epoch Times
- Falun Gong Practitioners Injected with Unknown Drugs at the Banqiao Forced Labor Camp in Tianjin 2011-04-29, Clearwisdom.net
- Human Rights On Manitoba Magazine, issue April 2011, page 20 2011-04
- Mayor Robertson Targets Falun Gong 2011-04-27, The Vancouver Courier
- ‘America! America!’ and Freedom From Persecution 2011-04-27, Epoch Times
- Persecution Continues 12 Years After 10,000-Strong Appeal 2011-04-26, NTDTV
- Vancouver's new anti-freedom bylaw takes cue from China
2011-04-25, The Vancouver Courier
- Parade and Rally Call for End of Persecution 2011-04-25, Epoch Times
- Five years on, efforts to tell world about forced organ harvesting continue 2011-04-24
- Fraud Fuels China’s Underground Organ Industry 2011-04-22, Epoch Times
- Falun Gong Practitioners Endure Unbearable Tortures Involving Their Eyes 2011-04-22, Clearwisdom.net
- Outcry Heard but Not Heeded as Vancouver Passes Controversial Bylaw 2011-04-21, Epoch Times
- Protesters Detained in Ukraine 2011-04-21, Epoch Times
- Falun Gong to fight new protest bylaw 2011-04-21, The Province
- Falun Gong supporters threaten court action over Vancouver’s new anti-protest bylaw 2011-04-21, Vancouver Courier
- The Persecution Before the Persecution 2011-04-19, Epoch Times
- Amended Bylaw No Solution for Falun Gong Protest: Lawyer 2011-04-16, Epoch Times
- Vancouver City Staff Criticized for Consulting Chinese Regime Over Bylaw 2011-04-09, Epoch Times
- Many Heilongjiang Province Female Falun Gong Practitioners Have Died Due to the Persecution 2011-04-08, Clearwisdom.net
- A Single Thread to Unravel the Quilt of Chinese Human Rights Abuses 2011-04-07, Epoch Times
- Canadian Documentary Exposes the Persecution of Falun Gong in China 2011-03-31, Clearwisdom.net
- FALUN GONG Practitioner denied medical care 2011-03-31
- Fake Constituent Emails Actually from Chinese Agents: Rights Group 2011-03-25, NTDTV
- Statistics and Analysis on the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Hebei Province 2011-03-25, Clearwisdom.net
- Husband of Persecuted Falun Gong Practitioner Unable to Seek Justice 2011-03-24, NTDTV
- Communist Party Calls for Increased Efforts To "Transform" Falun Gong Practitioners as Part of Three-Year Campaign 2011-03-22
- Organ donor pilot a failure after one year 2011-03-18, Beijing Today
- The CCP Uses its Annual “Two Congress” Get-Together as an Excuse to Intensify Persecuting Falun Gong 2011-03-13, Clearwisdom.net
- Researchers Unravel Horrors in China 2011-03-09, Epoch Times
- Violence against Women—A Communist Party Tool of “Transformation” 2011-03-06, Falun Dafa Information Center
- Source of Organs for Transplants a Mystery in China 2011-03-06, Epoch Times
- Chinese Authorities Illegally Sentenced 550+ Falun Gong Practitioners in 2010 2011-02-24, NTDTV
- Jiang Zemin’s Two ‘Regrets’: Persecuting Falun Gong, Hiding Serbian Spies 2011-02-22, Epoch Times
- First-Hand Account of the Brutal Torture Experienced by a Falun Gong Practitioner 2011-02-20, Clearwisdom.net
- Harmful and Mind Altering Drugs are Routinely Administered to Falun Gong Practitioners as a Means of Torture and Coercion 2011-02-20, Clearwisdom.net
- Liaoning Governor Sued for Genocide During Taiwan Visit2011-02-18, NTDTV
- Chinese Embassy ‘Suggested’ Mexico City Attack on Falun Gong Float 2011-02-15, Epoch Times
- Chinese Embassy Involved in Attacking Falun Gong Float in Mexico 2011-02-11, NTDTV
- At Chinese New Year, a Torrent of Greetings Praising Falun Gong 2011-02-07, Epoch Times
- Falun Gong practitioner to tell about persecution 2011-02-04, The Augusta Chronicle
- No Chinese New Year Reunion for Persecuted Families 2011-02-04, NTDTV
- German prosecutors indict alleged Chinese spy for observing Falun Gong movement 2011-01-31, AP
- 10 Years Exposing the Chinese Regime's Fake Immolation Incident 2011-01-25, NTDTV
- Statistical Summary: Falun Gong Practitioners Persecuted in Jiangsu Province in 2010 2011-01-25, Clearwisdom.net
- Falun Gong Protest 11-Year Persecution During Hu’s US Visit 2011-01-22, Epoch Times
- Falun Gong Practitioners Urge Hu Jintao to End 11-Year Long Persecution 2011-01-21, NTDTV
- Nobel Peace Prize nominee continues struggle for human rights 2011-01-20, /uniter.ca
- I Witnessed the Torture Deaths of Two Practitioners in Custody 2011-01-19, Clearwisdom.net
- Ten Things to Know about China as Hu Jintao Arrives in the United States 2011-01-17
- Wenyi Wang: Why I Protested Hu Jintao at the White House 2011-01-17, Epoch Times
- China’s Illicit Organ Trade Continues Unabated 2011-01-17, Epoch Times
- Speaking from My Heart: A New Article by Gao Zhisheng 2011-01-14, Epoch Times
- Bodies exhibit to stop touring: lawyer 2011-01-13, Winnipeg Free Press
- Medical Group Seeks to Promote Ethical Organ Transplantation 2011-01-01, Epoch Times
- More Media Reports in 2010
- More Media Reports in 2009
- More Media Reports in 2008
- More Media Reports in 2007
- More Media Reports in 2006